Working out at home: Is it effective?

Home work out equipment.

Resistance exercise is essential for health, fitness, sport performance, well-being, and staving off the effects of aging. But exercising properly, safely, and effectively is not common sense. And the widely available fitness information and videos seen in the media are mostly loud, trendy, and not backed by evidence and experience.

Meeting with a qualified and experienced personal trainer is the best assurance you’ll exercise safely and attain the results you’re looking for in a time-efficient manner.

There may be many reasons why you cannot train in a fitness facility or meet with a trainer in person, and a virtual workout with an expert can be a great alternative.

The most challenging aspects of working out at home alone are undoubtedly staying consistent and motivated. There are many distractions at home which prevent some people from even getting started.

Virtual training with an expert at OneUp Fitness offers a great solution to those issues. Each workout is scheduled in advance and is fully supervised. Your educated and experienced coach will instruct and observe every rep of your workout, taking out the guess work on every aspect of your fitness program.

A 30-minute virtual workout involves safe, intense instruction of strengthening exercises for all of the body’s major muscle groups.

Safe means the movements must be slow and technique must be perfectly executed. This is very challenging to do when exercising on your own. That’s why it’s essential to have an expert trainer observing and coaching you through your movements.

An appropriate amount of intensity is crucial for exercise to produce results. Exercise is only effective when you feel the muscle burn, your heart and breathing rate increase, and you feel tired when you’re finished. But it does not mean pain, injury, or overtraining that many competitive athletes experience. A qualified trainer will safely coach you to an appropriate amount of fatigue in order to stimulate your body to become stronger and build lean muscle tissue and bone density.

You don’t need to have any equipment at home. Our instructors can train you to exercise all of the major muscle groups during your workout using body weight movements and items you already have in your home. Clients repeatedly tell us how surprised they are at the quality of the workouts despite not having the “proper” equipment.

However, if you do have equipment, you will have much more versatility and variety around exercise selection and what we can do in your workouts. If possible, we recommend investing in a good quality resistance band kit and/or some selectorized dumbbells. A yoga mat and an adjustable bench would be ideal but, again, not necessary. 

If you are interested in trying a supervised home workout, or if you have specific questions about our program, please contact us to learn more. We can schedule an appointment with one of our personal trainers, and your first trial workout is complimentary. Stay safe, stay strong!

Matt Mombourquette - President

Co-owner / Personal trainer @ OneUp Fitness

[email protected]