Fitness. Down to a Science.

Do It Right, Do It Less, Get Results!

You Are Here Because…

You are interested in attaining your fitness goals in Halifax or Bedford but you have some of the concerns below.

A woman looking at her watch, holding a clipboard.

Your Busy Lifestyle Makes It Hard To Fit Exercise In To Your Schedule.

A woman kayaking.

You’re Getting Older, But Are Not Willing To Give Up The Activities You Love.

A man golfing

You Want To Improve Your Performance In A Sport Or Activity.

A woman sitting on an exercise ball.

You Are Tired Of The Traditional Gym And Are Looking For An Alternative.

Complimentary One Hour Visit In Bedford Or Halifax!

Not ready to book? Let’s talk! Book a 15 min phone consult.

OneUp Fitness Testimonial

Kaye & Anne
Talk About The Benefits Of A Good Personal Trainer

Do It Right, Do it Less, Get Results

YouTube video: Do It, Right, Do It Less, Get Results

What if you could look and feel your best without having to go to ‘the gym’?

Learn how safe strength training creates sustainable results in only minutes a week

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YouTube video: One Up Fitness Personal Training Programs

Mainstream Gyms
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A young man using a rowing machine.
Fitness Coach Halifax Trainer

More isn't always better when it comes to fitness

Performance is strongly correlated with confidence. There haven't been many public speeches that went down in the history books delivered by someone who looked or sounded uncertain. How you feel plays a big role in how confident you are. If you are tired from poor sleep, hungry from not eating enough of the right foods, or lack energy because you are unfit, you will likely also lack the confidence to deliver your message with vibrancy and enthusiasm. Exercise is an excellent way to increase energy, vibrancy, stamina, strength and, as a result, confidence in yourself. So, where do you start? Strength training. Or, more appropriately, resistance exercise. Studies have shown time and again that if you engage in regular resistance exercise, you will be healthier, stronger, and generally feel better. And when we feel strong and good about ourselves that is a huge boost to our confidence in everything that […]

Woman feeling strong and healthy.

Prioritize Strength

If you have time to do nothing else, prioritize strength! I've been a trainer for well over a decade now. I've performed hundreds of fitness consultations and have instructed thousands of fitness sessions. I've had the opportunity and pleasure to meet hundreds of people and hear many different stories, goals, aspirations, fears and challenges regarding people's health and fitness. What I have come to observe is that, hands down, the most common challenge that our clients face when it comes to staying fit is time and accountability. We have many clients who are physicians, lawyers, entrepreneurs, accountants, stay at home parents, professors, etc. This usually means long days, long weeks and not much room in their schedules for very much else. In spite of their hectic schedules; and their work and personal life demands they do very well to stick to their one to 2 workouts per week. Why? Because […]

Healthy couple running in park.

Sarcopenia - Muscle Atrophy that Affects Everyone

You are between the ages of 40 and 75 years old. You've noticed recently, or perhaps for a while now, that you don't have the stamina, strength or endurance that you once had. Taking the stairs leaves you more winded than you remember; carrying groceries; shoveling snow; mowing the lawn; lifting your children or grandchildren is now a task that sometimes leaves you feeling just plain old. You may even still be active. Playing sports, walking, swimming, travelling, biking. But, you can't help but feel like these things take more out of you now than they once did. Why? Is it just because you're ‘getting older'? What does time have to do with it? What has happened within your time to make you now feel this way? Is his inevitable, or is there something you can do about it? The answer to these questions is multi-faceted but to start, yes, […]

Wellness Centre

Why physical exercise matters for speakers

Performance is strongly correlated with confidence. There haven't been many public speeches that went down in the history books delivered by someone who looked or sounded uncertain. How you feel plays a big role in how confident you are. If you are tired from poor sleep, hungry from not eating enough of the right foods, or lack energy because you are unfit, you will likely also lack the confidence to deliver your message with vibrancy and enthusiasm. Exercise is an excellent way to increase energy, vibrancy, stamina, strength and, as a result, confidence in yourself. So, where do you start? Strength training. Or, more appropriately, resistance exercise. Studies have shown time and again that if you engage in regular resistance exercise, you will be healthier, stronger, and generally feel better. And when we feel strong and good about ourselves that is a huge boost to our confidence in everything that [...]

Personal Trainer in Halifax, NS

Why Work With A One Up Personal Trainer?

Here is what we hear people saying: “Why would I spend the money to work with one of our Kinesiologist/Personal Trainer when I could just go to the gym and work out on my own? It can't be that hard to figure out, can it?” The benefits of working one on one with a Kinesiologist are plenty. The first and most important benefit is reducing the risk of injury. Many people start lifting the wrong weight or with the wrong technique/form and end up injuring themselves in the process. Working with someone who understands body mechanics can get you started properly and keep you progressing without injury. When your workouts are customized for you, you will see benefits from increased strength, stamina and performance; to decreased pain symptoms, increased mobility and injury prevention; working one on one with a Kinesiologist is certainly a more strategic and beneficial […

"I was looking for a few specific things in my search for a Personal trainer in Halifax with a comfortable training environment…"

Margie Kennedy

“I was introduced to OneUp fitness 8 years ago following physio for shoulder pain. From physio I graduated to the fitness and the nutrition programs…"

Gail Morris

“For years i've been using fitness clubs in halifax. That was until i found the personal trainers at One Up Fitness. Bravo to the team at OneUp! In three years you have made my body stronger and more flexible, my mind more knowledgeable about directed exercise…”

Judy Leviten

“After 25 years of back problems and two surgeries, I had just about given up my life long dream of driving motorcycle. I heard about OneUp Fitness and their…”

Susan Stevens

“I have been a client of Matt Momborquette and OneUp Fitness for two years now. Training here has worked better for me than any other…”

Elizabeth Butt Lawyer

“I found OneUp Fitness based on recommendations from friends as well as a discussion I had with a family physician about aging and the…”


“I started with the personal trainers at OneUp when I noticed that, as I got older and even though I was physcially active, my physical strength seemed to be declining. I’ve been going…"

Jill Ceccolini

“I was first introduced to OneUp Fitness when Matt came to my office and presented a lunch & learn on nutrition in September of 2013. At that time I was…”

Debbie P

“When I became a physiotherapist, I made a personal commitment to practice what I preach, meeting the Public Health Agency’s physical activity…”

Jesse Robson

“My first contact with OneUP was about 7 years ago. Their philosophy intrigued me enough to begin training. It did not take long before I noticed changes in…”


“My name is Kausalya Rajaraman. My husband has advanced parkinsons disease, along with other age-related ailments compounding its detrimental…”

K. Rajaraman

We have been keeping fit with the personal training professionals at One Up Fitness since 2011. After running marathons for a decades or so, Paul felt that it was time to try something different…”

Paul and Pauline

“I was originally referred to One Up Fitness by several friends who related positive experiences. While being physically active and participating in a…”

Goldie Trager

“My name is Kaye Parker and I have been attending OneUp since September 2006, just weeks after they opened. That is nearly 9 years of weekly, and in…”

Kaye Parker

“I’m a 63-year old guy who has always been active and loves sports. In my 20’s, I trained for and completed about a dozen marathons. Between the ages of…”

David Abugov

“I have been a client of One to One Wellness (now OneUp Fitness) for almost 10 years. I suffered from extreme back pain for years with no success in…”


“One of the things I do twice a year is drag the all season tires/snow tires out of storage (they are on rims…so heavy!) and bring them to the garage to get my…”


Reach Your Goals In As Little As 20-30 Minutes Per Week

A woman looking at her watch, holding a clipboard.

Conventional exercise programs dictate you spend 45 to 60 minutes doing cardio workouts 5 days per week. As a busy professional that is almost impossible to fit in. In addition it may not be getting you the results you are looking for. At One Up Fitness, our high intensity resistance training ensures you get the maximum benefit in as little as 30 minutes per week. No more pounding it out on the treadmill to get your “cardio”. To learn more about how One Up Fitness can help you fit the exercise you need into your busy life, schedule your free 15-minute phone consult with one of our personal trainers in Halifax or Bedford or book your initial complimentary workout session to experience the difference of One Up Fitness.

You’re Getting Older, But Are Not Willing To Give Up The Activities You Love.

A woman kayaking.

Getting older is usually associated with reduced mobility and slowing down, but it doesn’t have to be that way. At One Up Fitness many of our clients are people just like you. Instead of slowing down we hear comments like, “I feel better than I have for years” and “I have more energy now than I did in my 30’s”. Keeping up with grand-kids can turn into grand-kids trying to keep up with you! As we age we naturally start to lose muscle mass but with proper strength training that can be reversed. Strength training can give you increased stamina and stability so you can continue doing the things you love to do without the fear of falling or feeling exhausted. Stronger muscles also means stronger heart and an increase in the amount of calories your body will burn at rest. With heart disease and obesity one of the leading causes of death this alone is a great reason to consider getting stronger as you age. Many people are of starting strength training later in life for fear of injury. One Up Fitness uses a controlled slow rep method of training so your risk of injury is greatly reduced. With less reps there is less wear and tear on your joints as well. All your workouts are directly supervised by our knowledgeable trainers to ensure you maintain proper form also reducing the risk of injury. To learn more about how One Up Fitness can help you be the active person you want to be as you age, schedule your free 15-minute phone consult with one of our trainers or book your initial complimentary workout session to experience the difference of One Up Fitness.

Up Your Game

A man golfing.

Striving to become competitive in any sport or activity takes time and effort. Strength training should be a big part of your preparation. Many people think they need to do cardio exercises to increase performance in heart taxing sports like hockey or soccer. This simply isn’t true. High intensity resistance training delivers a better cardiovascular workout than any traditional “cardio” exercise.

If you are interested in improving your performance in a particular activity or sport the best prescription is to first improve your strength with resistance exercise. The next step is to then perfectly practice whatever activity it is that you do regularly. Resistance exercise done correctly is not something that should take hours in the gym 5 days a week. One or two 30 minute sessions per week should be all you need to increase your strength and give you more time to practice doing what you love.

Increased strength also reduces the risk of injury. Less chance of injury means you will be able to continue participating in your favourite sports for years to come without being sidelined by the issues that plague many people as they age. To learn more about how One Up Fitness can help you excel in your favourite activity or sport and reduce the risk of injury, schedule your free 15-minute phone consult with one of our trainers or book your initial complimentary workout session to experience the difference of One Up Fitness.

The Alternative To The Traditional Gym

A man golfing.

There are very few people who love to spend endless hours per week in the gym. It is even less inviting when you know you are likely to be sharing equipment or working out beside some pumped up hardbody or gym rat that makes you feel like you could never live up to that standard. Depending on the time of day you may end up spending half your time just waiting to use equipment. It doesn’t have to be this way. One Up Fitness is a different way to get fit and still have the time to do the things you love. Each session is by appointment only and is one-on-one with your trainer. No waiting for equipment in a crowded gym. Our methods of strength training ensure you get the maximum benefit from each workout in the least amount of time. To learn more about how One Up Fitness can get you out of the gym and spending more time doing the things you love, schedule your free 15-minute phone consult with one of our trainers or book your initial complimentary workout session to experience the difference of One Up Fitness.

One Up Fitness Complimentary One Hour Session

Margie Kennedy

“I was looking for a few specific things in my search for a fitness center in Halifax. A few of the main things were a flexible program and comfortable training environment – a more efficient and effective workout that could be tailored to my specific health and fitness priorities, 1 to 1 training with expert coaches, and a professional training environment that focuses on tangible results rather than mass classes or rows of Lulu Lemon lined up on the treadmills. A friend mentioned One Up Fitness and that they are one of the best fitness clubs in Halifax, being curious, I tried out the introductory session. Their model is unique from the ubiquitous mass production gyms and fitness programs that saturate pop culture and the HRM. The One Up program is back by hard science, detailed research, and an explicit dedication to ensuring that clients meet their goals and progress to goals in a safe, incremental, and supported way. I can truly say that this is the best fitness program I have ever had. Why? Because of the combination of the instructors and the model of fitness generation. I work with Matt almost exclusively but all the instructors are similarly knowledgeable, engaging, supportive, and safety conscious. With Matt’s encouragement and guidance in strength training, I hit new personal best performances almost every session and I have the tools to maintain this when I travel for work. It’s also fantastic to know that after my targeted 30-minute workout, I know I’ve worked as hard as a much longer workout elsewhere but I can get dressed and go immediately back to work. Quite literally, they have it down to a science and I’ve achieved exciting goals as a result. I also completed the 6-week lifestyle coaching program with Matt. This program is designed to help support targeted fitness goals – whether weight loss or introducing a more balanced nutritional lifestyle, etc. This was a fantastic experience, providing 1 to1 meetings, body composition analysis, and planning/problem-solving. I gained lots of valuable knowledge about how to incorporate my paleo nutritional goals and lost 14 lbs over the course of the program. If you’re looking for a safe, efficient and highly effective way to meet (or jump start) your fitness goals, I highly recommend The One Up Fitness Gym in Halifax. In my opinion, they’re the Number 1 fitness program in HRM for all people who are serious about regaining or protecting their health and fitness. With a free introductory session to try it out, you’ll be hooked too!”

Gail Morris

“I was introduced to the OneUp personal training program 8 years ago following physio for shoulder pain. From physio I graduated to the fitness and the nutrition programs. Having attended various health clubs for over 20 years prior to this, The One Up Fitness Club in Halifax —3 times a week for an hour each visit —I realized I was more fit and stronger with a 30 minute a week workout than I had ever been before and I accomplished a 13 pound weight loss at the same time. I highly recommend OneUp to anyone interested in an efficient and effective routine.”

Judy Leviten

“Bravo to the personal training team at OneUp! In three years you have made my body stronger and more flexible, my mind more knowledgeable about directed exercise and nutrition, and my spirit more vibrant and more determined to continue training with you to face the challenges of aging with a more engaged,healthier and happier life attitude. Thank you and good luck as you move forward!”

Susan Stevens

“After 25 years of back problems, two surgeries and many visits to other health clubs in Halifax. I had just about given up my life long dream of driving motorcycle. I heard about OneUp Fitness and their unique approach to exercise. After first working through physiotherapy I graduated to strength training and five years ago I obtained my motorcycle license and started riding! Not only am I strong enough to handle a 350 lb bike, but I have reclaimed bicycling, snow shovelling, hiking and many other activities I thought I would never be able to do again. I am in the best shape of my life, look and feel great – all the result of 30 minutes per week at OneUp Fitness, a clean diet and a focused mind. Thanks to the OneUp team for helping me make my dream come true!”

Elizabeth Butt Lawyer

“I have been a client of Matt Momborquette and OneUp Fitness personal training crew for two years now. Training here has worked better for me than any other fitness program in which I’ve participated. The 30-minute sessions are very efficient and are ideally suited for a busy lifestyle. They are expertly supervised to avoid injury, ensure proper body position and achieve gradual but maximum results. This program has resulted in improvements in my posture, core strength and overall muscle tone. I’ve also gained cardiovascular endurance as the workouts have increased in intensity. Matt is a true professional who is extremely dedicated and committed to his craft. His expert advice, guidance and patience have been critical in helping me progress steadily and consistently over the past two years. I highly recommnend OneUp Fitness to anyone.”


“I found OneUp Fitness personal training with Matt based on recommendations from friends as well as a discussion I had with a family physician about aging and the importance of strength training to maintain long term health. I don’t have a lot of free time during the week and I have no will power so I needed something that was safe, effective and focused. I was having back pain issues and with the combination of physiotherapy and this strength training program, that was customized to my situation, has enabled me to reduce pain and gain strength to avoid re-injury. I feel stronger and healthier! I really appreciate the focused, efficient, safe and supportive environment that exists at OneUp; the weekly schedule is easy to maintain.”

Jill Ceccolini

“My first contact with OneUP personal trainers was about 7 years ago. Their philosophy intrigued me enough to begin training. It did not take long before I noticed changes in small, but important ways. I had more energy and small things were simply easier. My posture improved. I could quickly sprint down the street in a hurry or easily climb several flights of stairs without being out of breathe at all. My arms took on definition that others noticed with some envy. It was easier to put my carry-on bag into the overhead bin on airplanes. This winter I found myself thinking that while I am no fan of shoveling snow, I had little problem doing it with confidence that I was strong enough and aware of using my body in the right way. Funnily enough, I now spend less time exercising than I ever have with weekly sessions, yet I continue to make gains. The OneUp Fitness team pays close attention to my goals to ensure continued progress. I do not spend any other time on exercise. Rather, I enjoy being an active person moving through the day with confidence to take on whatever comes my way.”

Debbie P

“I was first introduced to OneUp Fitness when Matt came to my office and presented a lunch & learn on nutrition in September of 2013. At that time I was looking for a trainer and I feel as if he was dropped on my doorstep. I went in for the initial meeting In October and I’ve been going ever since. It’s the first workout that I actually look forward to going to, even at 7:30 a.m. My initial goal was to take off a rather large amount of weight and over time I have learned that creating muscle and becoming stronger is just as or even more important.Since beginning with the centre I see differences in the basic shape of my appearance, strength and also in what I can do. Two years ago there is no way I could do an 8 – 10 km hike on an “easy” rated trail and now I’m going on at least the “medium” rated trails and absolutely loving it. In June ’15 I will be taking on the mountains of Alaska. OneUp Fitness gives me the individual attention I was looking for. I knew I wouldn’t work hard enough if left up to my own devices. I also appreciate that Matt, Quinn and Evan practice what they preach, working with each other as well as their clientele. It doesn’t matter which of the guys you are working with, there is total consistency in your training program. Today I feel healthier, stronger, and more active then I’ve felt in a long time and I attribute that to the twice a week trip to OneUp Fitness.”

Jesse Robson

“When I became a physiotherapist, I made a personal commitment to practice what I preach, meeting the Public Health Agency’s physical activity recommendations every week, no matter what sorts of challenges life might throw my way. Making time for exercise is not always an easy task, and I’m grateful to OneUp Fitness for making it convenient for me to fit in the strengthening exercise that is so important for maintaining optimal health & function. I am a lifelong practitioner of circus arts, dance, and Movement Culture, and since starting at OneUp just two months ago, I have made greater gains in hand balancing, acrobatics and aerials than I had in the previous five years. Not only have my strength and coordination improved, but I have also made huge gains in mindfulness and perseverance. Challenging my body to the point of physical failure at OneUp has taught me how to identify and safely transcend my physical and mental limits, and how to be resilient when faced with failure. I look forward to seeing where my workouts will take me, and to forging a healthy foundation upon which to meet life’s challenges.”


“I started at OneUp when I noticed that, as I got older and even though I was physcially active, my physical strength seemed to be declining. I’ve been going for over a year now and am completely committed. Pros: I feel great. I really like the individualized approach & the enthusiastic and expert trainers. It really feels like a community working with me to keep me strong and fit. I also like the fact that the sessions are only 15-20 minutes long, so it is easy to squeeze them into a busy day. Keeping strong gives me confidence that I can continue to do whatever I want to do, even as I get older. Cons: It is the hardest physical work I have ever done. It’s a good thing it only takes 20 minutes, and that I feel really pumped for the rest of the day! My advice: Give it a try. It may re-shape your life.”

K. Rajaraman

“My name is Kausalya Rajaraman. My husband has advanced parkinsons disease, along with other age-related ailments compounding its detrimental effects of the primary disease. After long hesitation (because of financial constraints) we decided to join him to OneUp Fitness. That was the best decision we ever made in our lives. Progressive High Intensity Training here is the safest and most effective protocol backed by scientific research, for improving our health, without sacrificing hours and hours. The fitness coaches work one on one with diligent supervision and meticulate records, to ensue progress, in a quiet, well ventilated studio, equipped with unique, safe, high quality machines. Evan, Matt and Quinn explain each exercise and ensure you are moving with perfect form and posture. The intensity, the weight your body is resisting, contributes to improved muscle mass and also causes changes in the type of muscle fibres for adaptation. The repetition increases your endurance power for better breathing and lungs oxidative power. Within a few sessions, I saw my husband’s progress in his mobility function. Amazingly his mental outlook is improved resulting in a better quality of life. I belive that the mental game is half the battle, especially for the dopamine deficient Parkinsons patients. I am pleased to say this gym is well worth the investment, time and effort because the payoffs are incredible.”

Paul and Pauline

“We have been keeping fit with One Up Fitness since 2011. After running marathons for a decades or so, Paul felt that it was time to try something different and I (Pauline) was in need of some structured fitness. Together we started at OneUp to see if it could meet our needs. Over the years we have worked out with all of the instructors using most of the machines – all to excellent effect. The intense controlled exercise is exactly what we were looking for. Whether you appreciate the science behind the approach or not, working with a dedicated coach has paid off for us both. It is a great way to maintain core strength without the risks of doing things the wrong way. It is not that we love the idea of such challenging workouts, but they are over quickly and we can easily see the results.”

Goldie Trager

“I have been a client of One to One Wellness (now OneUp Fitness) for almost 10 years. I suffered from extreme back pain for years with no success in management no matter what I tried. Within 3 months my exercise at OneUp Fitness combined with physiotherapy treatments helped me to become pain free!! It felt like a miracle. I continue to work out at OneUp on a regular basis to maintain the gains I achieved. The staff is fabulous. Without exception every one of the trainers and staff are first rate…competent, compassionate, pleasant and patient. Thank you all.”

Kaye Parker

“My name is Kaye Parker and I have been attending OneUp since September 2006, just weeks after they opened. That is nearly 9 years of weekly, and in the early days, twice-weekly, strength training sessions. I began while I owned a very busy training and coaching company. That meant a lot of travelling, usually carrying awkward suitcases full of heavy training materials; and spending a lot of time in a classroom, standing on my feet all day. I really felt I needed to be strong physically to continue the work that I loved. Since those early days, I’ve sold that business and repositioned (not retired) so I can work fewer days. But I still find I need to be physically strong to walk, to work in the garden, to shovel snow and chip ice, as I did in the winter of 2015, and to enjoy travelling for fun. In the last few years, I’ve had several falls that could have had serious consequences for me, had I not been fit. Instead, they were just minor hiccups in my life, but I attribute that good luck to my work at OneUp. I could NEVER do this type of training on my own. I don’t have the self-discipline, the knowledge or the equipment to do this. Every OneUp trainer I’ve ever worked with has pushed me, praised me and sometimes pampered me. I need all three of these to keep at it. I agree with a colleague who also goes to OneUp, and I’ll still be at this when I’m old and grey, because it works.”

David Abugov

I’m a 63-year old guy who has always been active and loves sports. In my 20’s, I trained for and completed about a dozen marathons. Between the ages of 30-50, my work and family limited my active athletic participation; but I always tried to stay reasonably fit, with some skiing and tennis. From age 50-55, I once again managed to train and complete another dozen marathon runs, including 3 Boston Marathons. Having satisfied my inner need to compete again, I hung up my shoes; and began trying to learn the game of tennis, which is still a work in progress. But post-55, I started injuring more frequently. I knew that at this stage of my life, I had to find something new; some form of conditioning that would allow me to keep doing all the physical activities that I loved without injury. Around my 60th birthday, several friends of mine mentioned that they were doing a unique personal fitness program, once or twice a week; and getting excellent all-around fitness results. They spoke of how simple and convenient it was, and how much younger and generally stronger they felt with the personal sessions. I initially dismissed the idea. How could I get any benefit from 30-60 minutes a week, after being used to hours and hours of long-distance running and training to get fit? But the injuries in tennis and running became more frequent. And the recovery time much longer. So I decided to try out OneUp Fitness. I met with Matt, OneUp’s senior fitness coach, for a complimentary consultation. And, I started the programme, almost 3 years ago. The rest is history! I can only say that it is life-changing. No more unnecessary injuries. Balanced strength evenly throughout my body without ‘bulking up’. A sense of new-found youth and well-being that I hadn’t felt for many, many years. This is what the professionals at OneUp Fitness have done for me. I truly can’t thank Matt and his team enough for my healthy present and future. I cannot say enough about this remarkable training system and methodology. It is now an integral part of my life. My sincerest thanks, David Abugov (A very active 63-year old).


I was originally referred to One Up Fitness by several friends who related positive experiences. While being physically active and participating in a variety of sports, it was my goal to add strength training to my regimen while not adding significantly to my personal time constraints. It was also an objective to tailor a program to assist me with a shoulder injury recovery. One of my personal passions is motorsports competition held on serpiginous road course circuits. Strengthening shoulder and neck muscles was key for my performance. I’ve been very pleased with the knowledgeable and professional attention universally given by the talented group at One Up. The enthusiasm, teamwork and dedication of the group is a constant and One Up has a culture to be envied.


“One of the things I do twice a year is drag the all season tires/snow tires out of storage (they are on rims…so heavy!) and bring them to the garage to get my tires changed. I have never carried the tires to my car….I just find a willing friend and ask for help. With my appointment to get my tires changed looming, I decided to just carry the tires from storage myself (couple hallways, elevator, through the parking garage to get them in my car). So, I picked up one tire and then another —- I could carry two tires at once and just walk down the hall with one under each arm. This was absolutely amazing! I realize, this is no big deal. To most, this would be easy. I was super impressed with myself …for just getting it done myself and for working hard to get stronger. I felt a bit defeated today, and carrying my tires made me feel a lot better”.