Partner Highlight – Summit Spa

As the owner of The Summit-Skin Care & Hair Removal I know that great skin health is not created by external factors alone. A healthy and fit lifestyle plays a huge part. Owning your own business or any other very busy work/home life means time for fitness can be hard to carve into an over-crammed schedule. I personally love what One Up Fitness has to offer to keep me fit. A total departure from a regular gym. It is private, professional and totally focused on fitness.

Their unique approach to fitness means that I can schedule an appointment for a one-on-one training session easily at any time no matter what I have scheduled before or after. It is only 30 minutes, doesn’t require a huge change of clothes or shower after. I don’t sweat due to the super-cooled workout studio, but I get a hard core work-out! Every second is efficient use of my time. I go once a week and my strength and stamina keep improving instead of the steady decline that can easily happen with age. For women over 50 this focus becomes critical.

At The Summit we recommend One Up Fitness to our clients as there is a perfect fit and our clients appreciate our professional, private and results focused approach for external improvements to their health and One Up Fitness does the internal fitness to perfection! Beauty and health for the inside and out! The best anti-aging combo!

Susan Alward – Owner Summit Spa