The busy professional needs a personal trainer
You’re not alone if you’ve ever thought, ‘I just don’t have time to exercise’ or ‘I really don’t like to exercise.’ We hear this from a lot of newcomers to our studios, and we get it. Life is busy, work demands are high and time consuming, and we want to spend more time with our kids, family, friends, and hobbies.
We’ve been taught, and it is engrained, that if exercise is good for us, more is better. This false logic is a great excuse to avoid exercising or going to the gym altogether because we don’t have the time to exercise enough to make a difference.
On the opposite end of that spectrum, there are a lot of high performers who try to workout 5-7 days per week. Often this fails because time demands are too high, they burn out or get injured, or they lose motivation.
It’s important to understand that one or two intense 30-minute full body workouts per week is sufficient to achieve health and fitness benefits. Why? Because the most important factor for increasing strength, building muscle, and improving aerobic conditioning is how hard you work, not how long. And you receive the benefits from that hard work when you REST, not when you exercise. Without rest, your body won’t adapt to the exercise and you’ll be facing diminishing returns very rapidly.
Having a personal trainer is essential in developing a shorter workout regime that’s effective enough to reap the same rewards from longer bouts of exercise. An expert personal trainer will ensure you are using biomechanically correct technique and oversee your movements so you maximize the tension on the working muscles and minimize the stress and strain on your joints and ligaments.
An expert personal trainer will also properly design and track your program based on your goals, abilities, and limitations. And they will ensure you are working at your personal best effort without placing you at risk for injury. It is important to note here that ‘intensity’ is relative to the individual and is in no way dangerous if the exercise is performed properly under the supervision of an expert—and on well-designed equipment like you will find in the OneUp Fitness studios.
Also, there is just ‘something’ about having someone watch over your exercise that brings a sense of calm knowing they will ensure you are doing things right so you can really give it your best effort with every exercise you perform.
Lastly, and this is something we hear from our clients literally every day, working with a personal trainer ensures accountability. Scheduling a one-to-one appointment with a trainer ahead of time holds you accountable to that session and ensures you stay consistent with your program.
Busy professionals make high level decisions every day; that doesn’t mean they have to make decisions about their exercise regime as well. The decision fatigue that comes from wondering, ‘how many reps, how much weight, how many sets, which exercises, how many times per week, am I making progress?’ is eliminated by hiring an expert personal trainer. Our clients literally show up for their workout and are guided through their entire session. All that is required is focus and a willingness to learn and work hard.
Stop wasting your time, money, and energy on self-training and let an expert do the mental work for you. Then get on with the rest of your day knowing that your fitness bases are covered.
Matt Mombourquette, BSc.Kin
Owner / President / Team Lead
OneUp Fitness: Down to a Science March 2022